Funny Videos
Collection of funny videos, clips and footage
00:21 Popular
When a Girl tries to be Mad of Her Boyfriend
Added 1,392 Views / 0 LikesSubscribe this channel for funniest and most amazing videos by clicking here →
02:42 Popular
Surviving a Black Mamba
Added 1,388 Views / 0 LikesUnlike most poisonous snakes where the venom travels slowly through the blood stream, allowing a victim time to get treatment and to isolate the poison using a tourniquet, the black mamba's poison goes straight for the nerves, attacking the central nervou
02:40 Popular
Woman Gives Birth To A Frog-Like Baby
Added 1,388 Views / 0 LikesBizaare claims have emerged about a woman giving birth to a “frog-like baby” before being ordered to burn the corpse in front of villagers. (c) InformOverload
04:59 Popular
Poor People of Haiti Literally Eat ‘Mud Cookies’ to Survive
Added 1,386 Views / 0 LikesIn an era where corruption and authoritarianism are rampant, it is often the ordinary people who suffer the most. Millions of people in Haiti are malnourished and cannot afford nutritious food, so many have had to resort to eating cookies made out of dirt
02:13 Popular
Kid Bodybuilder 'Little Hercules'
Added 1,384 Views / 1 LikesFifteen years ago, rather than real-life Barbies and botched butt jobs, the world was fascinated by an 8-year-old bodybuilder called Little Hercules (real name Richard Sandrak). His extreme physique made him front page news. He went on to be named World&r
00:14 Popular
Dancing Spiderman - very funny
Added 1,383 Views / 0 LikesSpiderman busting a move ????
00:44 Popular
World's Tallest Man Meets World's Shortest Woman
Added 1,382 Views / 0 LikesThe tallest man and the shortest woman on earth have travelled to Egypt for a photo shoot at the country's famous Giza Pyramids. Sultan Kösen, who hails from Turkey, holds the record for the world's tallest man with a height of 251 cm (8 ft 2.8 in).
01:56 Popular
[SHOCKING] Worst Parents Ever
Added 1,377 Views / 0 LikesIt’s no secret the world has some evil people in it. Horrible people have commited horrible crimes throughout history. Some of them are even hard to talk about.This is a list of parents who have done terrible things to their children.These people ca
00:55 Popular
[VIDEO] Sniper End Six Afghan Insurgents With A Single Bullet
Added 1,376 Views / 0 LikesWith a Taliban fighter looming in his sights half a mile away, the British sniper knew a clean shot would take down his enemy. What he could not have known was that the single bullet he fired would account for five more insurgents. But, incredibly, his ri
04:26 Popular
22 Year Old Woman Becomes Professional Booty Shaker
Added 1,376 Views / 1 LikesJessica Vanessa has quit her day job as a teacher to become a professional twerker. The 22 year old told the media that what she makes on one 6 second vine would take her 4 months to make as a teacher. (c) Barcroft TV
02:38 Popular
Dumping A Dead Body In The Park - Prank
Added 1,370 Views / 0 LikesDead Body Scare Prank
02:39 Popular
[VIDEO] Stupid Zoo Keeper Attacked By A Lion
Added 1,370 Views / 0 LikesLion attacks a zoo keeper. The attack of lions on zoo keepers isn't unheard of, a lot of times this happens when the zoo keepers forget that they are dealing with the wild beast here and not a pet cat. The over confidence can kill anyone. (c) Paws Channel
03:49 Popular
Bizarre Things Found Inside Real Mummies
Added 1,369 Views / 0 LikesThese are some interesting and unexpected things discovered inside the mummy's cript. (c) FactsIn5
01:14 Popular
MUST WATCH: Effects Of Snake Venom To Blood
Added 1,364 Views / 0 LikesThough most snakes are not venomous, some of them are. This has led some researchers to believe that humans evolved to naturally fear snakes because of their sometimes poisonous bites.
05:01 Popular
Ways To Tell If A Girl Likes You
Added 1,361 Views / 0 LikesSo, to know how to tell if a girl likes you, all you need to do is read the signs that she’s giving you.
05:42 Popular
Compilation of Cool Tricks Amazing Illusions
Added 1,360 Views / 0 LikesHere is a compilation of amazing tricks and illusions. Watch closely if you can figure out how they're done.
04:08 Popular
Fast & Furious Nerdy Lady Shocks Instructors
Added 1,357 Views / 0 LikesCar racing champion with amazing skills pranks driving school instructors on their first day of the job.
01:00 Popular
Tour Guide Freaks Out On A Glass Walk After It 'Cracks'
Added 1,356 Views / 0 LikesChina's passion for glass-bottomed walkways has reached a new level as one scenic spot is deliberately making the see-through panels crack at over 3,800 feet high. With the help of sensors and special effects, the glass floor would appear to shatter as th
02:45 Popular
Cute Babies Discovers Own Shadows And Afraid Of It
Added 1,351 Views / 0 LikesCute Babies Discovering Their Own Shadow For The First Time and Scared Of It Compilation.
04:07 Popular
10 BEST Optical Illusions That Will Blow Your Mind Away
Added 1,351 Views / 0 LikesThese top 10 optical illusions are so incredible that you won’t believe your eyes, literally. (c) TheTalko
01:14 Popular
[VIDEO] Woman Bites Off pitbull's Ear To Save Daughter
Added 1,348 Views / 0 LikesALVIN, Texas – A Texas mother allowed her animal instincts to take over when a dog attacked her two-year-old daughter. In March, the family was watching a friend’s pit bull when the dog attacked two-year-old Kenzi. “When he smelled her,
00:42 Popular
Dog and Baby Show Love For Each Other
Added 1,346 Views / 0 LikesA baby plays adorably with a very gentle Husky, proving that big dogs can be great companions for everyone! How cute is that? I’m not sure if the dog is a mixed breed, but it has a head the size of his baby playmate! The baby looks to be 6-9 months
01:24 Popular
Biker Saves Girlfriend During Crash In Rain
Added 1,343 Views / 0 LikesWhile riding on a rainy day in Thailand, the couple lost control of their motorcycle and started hydroplaning down the highway. Just as his girlfriend was gliding into oncoming traffic, this man pulled her close and saved her from certain death. (c) Jukin
04:35 Popular
'Help me amputate my swollen size 16 feet’
Added 1,340 Views / 0 LikesA desperate man is pleading to have his foot AMPUTATED after it swelled to size 16 due to a rare genetic condition.
00:58 Popular
Meet The Biggest Cat in The World
Added 1,339 Views / 1 LikesTrumping a recent pretender to the throne by several pounds, 40lb Garfield lays claim to the dubious title of 'world's fattest cat'. (c) Barcroft TV
02:33 Popular
Crazy Tram Driver Doesn't Even Flinch As She Bulldozes Vehicle, People
Added 1,338 Views / 0 LikesSHOCKING CCTV of tram drivers who remained completely poker faced as they plow through the cars and people. (c) Cristi Christian
04:36 Popular
Things Guys Do That Girls Love
Added 1,336 Views / 0 LikesA guy doesn’t have to do much to make a girl fall for him. It’s the small, simple yet irresistibly sweet things guys do that melt our hearts. We want you to be yourself. We want a relationship that’s honest and comfortable. It’s th
04:34 Popular
Blind Man Prank
Added 1,334 Views / 0 LikesIt can be flattering when people try to hit on you, particularly the attractive kind. It certainly boosts confidence and make you feel good about how you look, until this happens. (c)
01:00 Popular
Baby Snatched By Golden Eagle
Added 1,332 Views / 0 LikesVideo shows an eagle attempting to snatch a child from a park?
00:41 Popular
Quail Chick Wants To Sleep In Human's Hand
Added 1,331 Views / 0 LikesSleepy quail chick knows that's enough studying for tonight.
00:46 Popular
The beautiful Sofia Vergara messes up at the Golden Globes
Added 1,330 Views / 0 LikesSofia Vergara says something inappropriate while presenting an award at the Golden Globes
00:41 Popular
Dancing Dog Excited To See Its Owner
Added 1,330 Views / 0 LikesRemember how excited you'd get when your mom or dad would arrive to pick you up from daycare? Have you ever wondered if your dogs feel the same way?
02:54 Popular
Amazing Contortionist Sets Backbend Record
Added 1,328 Views / 0 LikesJulia Gunthel (a.k.a. Zlata, Germany) achieved the record for the most flowers picked up with the mouth in a contortion backbend in one minute with 6 flowers on the set of 'Lo Show dei Record' in Milan, Italy, on 25 July 2014. Julia has since broken her o
05:19 Popular
Strangest Things Ever Found by Airport Security
Added 1,327 Views / 0 LikesFrom snakes, chain saws, stun guns, grenades and cannonballs, the Airport Security has not seen it all yet.
01:00 Popular
Tiny Chihuahua VS Huge Pitbull
Added 1,315 Views / 0 LikesChihuahua goes wild on pitbull. Watch! (c) kazusmom
05:55 Popular
Lovely Dogs Meet Their Owners After Long Time
Added 1,313 Views / 0 LikesWhen owners and their dogs have not seen each others for a long time, this is the result! Such an emotional and inspiring video about our friendship with dogs! (c) Funny Animals For Kids
01:54 Popular
Hero Cat Defends Baby From Babysitter
Added 1,308 Views / 0 LikesAn unusually protective cat rushed to a toddler’s defense when he thought the baby was in danger. Security camera footage shows a babysitter playing with the child in the living room. They are playing with a ball when the toddler accidentally knocks
05:04 Popular
Added 1,303 Views / 1 LikesThe following is our list of the 10 most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
05:23 Popular
People With Real Creepy Horns
Added 1,303 Views / 0 LikesHere are 8 people with real horns.
02:46 Popular
Hilarious Comedy sketch from the 70's
Added 1,302 Views / 0 LikesHilarious Comedy sketch from the 70's.
06:06 Popular
Catching Crocodile By Using Electricity
Added 1,302 Views / 0 LikesElectricity Fishing UNDERWATER To Catch Crocodile in Asia. (c) Asian Wilderness
04:07 Popular
Alaskan Malamute Playing With Kids
Added 1,299 Views / 0 LikesAdorable Alaskan Malamute playing with kids is so satisfying to watch!
01:42 Popular
Free Horrible Makeup Prank!
Added 1,298 Views / 0 LikesPrankster gives a free terrible makeup to people at the mall and then leaves them there.
04:22 Popular
Wins vs Fails!
Added 1,287 Views / 0 LikesCompilation of people with awesome skills vs failed attempts. Must watch!
01:32 Popular
Amazing Hidden Swimming Holes In Arizona
Added 1,284 Views / 0 LikesThe picturesque spot features a running river of bright turquoise water that forms natural swimming pools in the surrounding red canyons. You can jump off cliffs, swing on ropes, and climb through narrow passages to reach waterfalls such as Mooney Falls.
01:54 Popular
Girl Loves Her Pit Bull Dog Brother
Added 1,284 Views / 0 LikesThis girl has a pit bull for a brother, and every month they celebrate reunions with all the dogs from his rescued litter. What a treat! (c) The Dodo
03:50 Popular
Cats Love Babies
Added 1,283 Views / 0 LikesCats also know how to express their feelings towards the cute little babies.
04:13 Popular
10 Cities That are Going to Completely Disappear Soon
Added 1,283 Views / 0 LikesSea Level Rise Will Sink Hundreds of Historic Cultural Sites!
02:14 Popular
This Brave 6-Year-Old’s Bones Are So Fragile They 'Break In The Wind'
Added 1,282 Views / 0 LikesZoe Lush has a rare condition which means bones are so break in the wind. Zoe broke several bones whilst she was still in the womb, shattered her collarbone during birth and broke another 100 bones before her first birthday. Now Zoe, who is six-years-old
06:01 Popular
NEVER Google These 10 Things
Added 1,281 Views / 0 LikesFrom psychopath's video diaries to a cat with no face, we count down ten bizarre and creepy things that you should never Google. (c) TheTalko
00:15 Popular
When You're the Worst Twerker Between your Friends
Added 1,278 Views / 0 LikesSubscribe this channel for funniest and most amazing videos by clicking here →
04:12 Popular
Amazing Stunts
Added 1,276 Views / 0 LikesOutstanding and wonderful video of stunts around the world. (c)NcCrullex
01:54 Popular
Hollywood Sign Changed To HOLLYWEED In New Year Prank (VIDEO)
03:28 Popular
Abandoned Baby Deer Refuses To Leave Man Who Saved Her Life
Added 1,267 Views / 0 LikesWhen a man stepped in to save a fawn from being eaten by predators - he didn't realise the special bond that would soon form between them. An adorable video has captured the story of a man who rescued a lame baby deer when she was abandoned by her mother
00:52 Popular
Natural Spa Hiding In The Italian Countryside
Added 1,265 Views / 0 LikesHere is another for you to visit when you are in Italy.
02:01 Popular
Dramatic Video Shows Guy Having Seizure While Skydiving
Added 1,258 Views / 0 LikesA man who survived a seizure while skydiving from 12,000 feet in Australia said he spent 30 seconds unconscious in free fall before his instructor saved him. Christopher Jones described the "scariest moment" of his life in a video published on YouTube on
01:32 Popular
Guilty dog pleads for forgiveness
Added 1,256 Views / 0 LikesThis Labrador is clearly filled with guilt and desperate to win over her owner's forgiveness. Watch as the two take part in one of the cutest interactions you'll ever see!
01:36 Popular
Horrific Lion Attack.. Man Eater
Added 1,249 Views / 0 LikesA short video showing a Lion attacking group of people. (c) Shawu Productions
02:33 Popular
Best Trick To Make McDonalds French Fries
Added 1,247 Views / 0 LikesEnjoy eating those fries? Well here's a video on how you can make it at home. :)
01:33 Popular
People Living With Tigers And Lions As Pets
Added 1,247 Views / 0 LikesHere is some of the videos that shows you how you dangerous wild animals can be your pets. (c) 10listings
00:45 Popular
When Two Girls Love The Same MAn
Added 1,245 Views / 0 LikesSubscribe this channel for funniest and most amazing videos by clicking here →
01:58 Popular
World's Smallest Cat
Added 1,236 Views / 0 LikesThey're meow-nificent creatures, but they don't weigh much more than a bag of sugar! This isn't a kitten. When it's almost fully grown, this cat can sit in the palm of your hand. The rusty-spotted cat is around 200 times smaller than a lion, and lives in
00:51 Popular
Never Mess With A Kung Fu Girl
Added 1,234 Views / 0 LikesThere is actually some pretty good fight choreography going on here. This one has an abrupt ending. (c) Peter Rozen
02:26 Popular
Horrific And Tragic Escalator and Elevator Accidents
Added 1,232 Views / 0 LikesSome of the most horrific and tragic escalator and elevator accidents. Utube4all all (c)
01:57 Popular
Face Off Between Cobra vs. Mongoose
Added 1,231 Views / 0 LikesHow does a mongoose stand up to a cobra? You might be surprised at the outcome. (c) National Geographic
01:13 Popular
Lion Opens Car Door at Safari Park
Added 1,229 Views / 0 LikesA family watching lions from the supposed safety of their car at a safari park in South Africa learned you shouldalwayslock your door.
01:45 Popular
Texas Father And Son Cooked By Hot Metal Slide
Added 1,227 Views / 0 LikesTheme park accident: Father and son severely burned on hot metal slide ride in Utah (c) TomoNews
01:15 Popular
Is This The 'Darkest Baby In The World'?
Added 1,226 Views / 0 LikesThe baby, according to a RachFeedreportthat cites a website calledSocial Trends, was allegedly born in South Africa recently. Although, there are no other actual news reports correlating with either the RachFeed or Social Trends' claims (c) Pastimers - Wo
06:12 Popular
Exotic Foods You Must NEVER Consume
Added 1,222 Views / 0 LikesHere is a list of some of the brutal food that could potentially ruin your life.
01:53 Popular
Magicians Create Guinness Record After 18 Costumes Changes In 1 Minute
Added 1,220 Views / 0 LikesSylvia and Lim created a world Guinness Record for maximum number of outfit changes by a human in less than 60 seconds. A record you didn't know you needed, but apparently you do because it makes you waste less time in the closet.
05:35 Popular
Great People Saving Helpless Animals
Added 1,218 Views / 0 LikesExtreme acts of kindness that will melt your heart. (c) Lentrius TV
03:14 Popular
Iranian 3-year old Shows Off Amazing Strength
Added 1,218 Views / 0 LikesA superhuman toddler has shown off his skills on a TV gameshow which saw him use his amazing muscles to tackle strength challenges many adults would fail at. Little Arat Hosseini tackled the trapeze, climbing wall and ladder before lifting his own bodywei
00:50 Popular
Are you my Daddy??
Added 1,217 Views / 0 LikesHilarious moment when baby meets his father's identical twin for the first time.
02:06 Popular
When you still believe in the magic of Christmas
Added 1,216 Views / 0 LikesLittle boy was surprised on what he saw one Christmas morning. (c)Ladbible
01:43 Popular
Dog Reunited With Owner After Years in Shelter
Added 1,211 Views / 0 LikesAt first this dog didn’t realize that this guy is her long-last dad — but once she does, she goes WILD. (c) The Dodo
05:57 Popular
EXOTIC Pets That Should Be BANNED
Added 1,211 Views / 0 LikesWe’ll show you that people actually keep some animals in their homes which were only used to seeing in zoos or on nature shows. (c) TheRichest
01:39 Popular
[SHOCKING] Florida Family Raised 14 BEARS In The Garden
Added 1,209 Views / 0 LikesA daring mother and son have hand-raised 14 enormous bears in their back garden - and can't imagine living without them. The Welde familyhave looked after grizzly bears, black bears and polar bears for the last 91 years – using their license to prov
06:33 Popular
Roasting Lizard for Food
Added 1,208 Views / 0 LikesThis video shows a group of Cambodian locals roasting lizards for food. (c) Kihala
05:06 Popular
VIDEO: Our Son Is A 1400lb Kodiak Bear
Added 1,205 Views / 0 LikesJim and Susan Kowalczik snuggle and play with a 1,400-pound Kodiak brown bear named Jimmy as if he were their child. The fearless duo, from Otisville, NY, adopted the 9-foot-tall gentle giant about 20 years ago, when he was just a cub.
03:00 Popular
[Watch] Man Resuscitate Frozen Kitten
Added 1,203 Views / 0 LikesIt’s nothing short of a miracle when a frozen kitten found in the snow was brought back to life by a family on Thanksgiving Day. (c) GoPro
02:19 Popular
4-Year Old Baby Biker Is A Motocross Superstar
Added 1,202 Views / 0 LikesMeet The 4-Year-Old Baby Biker Who Has Insane Motorcycle Skills. Tima Kuleshov started riding a bicycle before he was two-years-old.
00:55 Popular
World's First Talking Killer Whale Can Say "Hello" and "Bye Bye"
Added 1,201 Views / 0 LikesScientists say they have recorded a killer whale named Wikie repeating the words ‘hello’ and ‘bye bye’, counting up to three, and even saying the name of her trainer ‘Amy.’. The 14-year-old orca lives in Marineland at A
02:16 Popular
FUNNY: If Babies Competed in the Olympic Games
Added 1,194 Views / 0 LikesIf you can't wait until 2018 for the next Winter Olympics, we've got the cutest, most hilarious video to tide you over. (c) Olympic
03:13 Popular
[SHOCKING] Nervous Girlfriend Pushed Off Cliff By Boyfriend
Added 1,189 Views / 0 LikesA thrill loving man pushed his cautious girlfriend off the edge of a cliff to take a ride on a 400ft pendulum swing in a narrow canyon in Utah. (c) devingraham
01:43 Popular
Scared Dog Rescued From Cowded Street by Determined Cyclist
Added 1,189 Views / 0 LikesThis scared little dog almost got run over by two cars when he ran onto a busy street. He was so scared that he just kept on running, but a cyclist saw he needed help and knew she had to follow him. Special thanks to Calaverita Biker for this incredible v
03:35 Popular
CUTE: Babies Blowing Bubbles Compilation
Added 1,185 Views / 0 LikesFunny babies blowing bubbles for the first time. Watch as they struggle to blow them, and their awe when they succeed!
04:37 Popular
Added 1,180 Views / 0 LikesA prankster tricked travelers trying to charge their phones with outlet stickers at the airport.
03:39 Popular
Amazing Dog Help the Owner Workout | So FUNNY!
Added 1,179 Views / 0 LikesCheck out these funny dogs helping their human owners exercise during their workouts. Try not to laugh or grin while watching this. (c) Funny Everyday
04:47 Popular
Incredible Acts of Kindness
Added 1,177 Views / 1 LikesHere are just some of many incredible acts of kindness that can change someones day (c) Crazy Universe
00:46 Popular
Added 1,175 Views / 0 LikesThis stunning underwater northern lights in Tasmania is one of nature's many best kept secrets!
02:21 Popular
13-foot Burmese Python Wraps Self Around Baby
Added 1,175 Views / 0 LikesIt's shocking video of a 13 foot long python coiling itself around a baby! The terrifying video was shot by her own dad. The huge python crawls over the 14-month old baby girl's head and wraps around her tiny legs! (c) Barcroft TV
02:02 Popular
Synthol Freaks Get Fake Muscles The Dumbest Way
Added 1,174 Views / 0 LikesSynthol, or site enhancement oil, is one way bodybuilders get so artificially big. Here is a list of peolle who inject synthol into their muscles to make them look bigger. (c) TomoNews US
00:29 Popular
African Wild Dog Feeding
Added 1,173 Views / 0 LikesFeeding time for a pack of orphaned African wild dogs, at the Wildlife Sanctuary in Namibia. (c) A
01:41 Popular
Conquer Your Fear Of Heights At This Cliffside Hotel
Added 1,171 Views / 0 LikesAdventure seekers have yet another reason to visit the Peruvian Andes;Peru-based tour companyNatura Viveis now offering a luxurious night's stay 400-feet abovethe Inca Empire in theseglasssky pods. Visitors can access the "Skylodge" by scrabbling up the m
01:10 Popular
Added 1,167 Views / 0 LikesAula39 does acapella cover of "Despacito".
01:10 Popular
FUNNY: Head In The Toilet Prank
Added 1,166 Views / 0 LikesImagine going to the toilet and having a head pop out of the loo! This is one of our most viewed pranks of all time, the head in the toilet prank! (c) Just For Laughs