Funny Videos
Collection of funny videos, clips and footage
02:58 Popular
How To Wash Hair In Outer Space
Added 1,165 Views / 0 LikesYou know, in case you ever want to take a trip to space, NASA astronaut Karen Nybergshows you how it's donewhile living in weightlessness on the International Space Station. Credit: NASA
01:24 Popular
Huge condor bird returns to say ‘THANK YOU’ to the farmer who SAVED its life as a Baby
Added 1,862 Views / 0 LikesThis man rescued a condor bird that had fallen from the nest when he was just a hatchling. Now, every now and then, the colossal bird returns to see the man and give him a really big hug! What a majestic animal!
00:34 Popular
Huge rhino chases motorcycle
Added 3,251 Views / 0 LikesA large rhinoceros ran amok in the southern Nepal town of Hetauda 2605
13:52 Popular
Ice Cream Prank
Added 3,653 Views / 1 LikesFunny video of of these guys in a blind woman ice cream prank.
04:47 Popular
Incredible Acts of Kindness
Added 1,177 Views / 1 LikesHere are just some of many incredible acts of kindness that can change someones day (c) Crazy Universe
04:16 Popular
Incredible Places to Add to Your Bucket List in 2018
Added 1,164 Views / 0 LikesBefore you start planning your vacations for 2018, you might want to watch this list first. (c) INSIDER
03:53 Popular
Indian Girl Born With Eight Limbs
Added 3,152 Views / 0 LikesAn Indian toddler, Lakshmi Tatma, 2, born with a rare condition called isciopagus, which is where a child is born with four arms and four legs.
02:23 Popular
Indian Mom Gives Birth To 11 Kids At Once
Added 5,410 Views / 1 LikesA lady gives birth to 11 kids at one time. I can't imagine how much pain she would be in... Unless this was really a hoax? What do you think? (c) nollygrio
01:05 Popular
Indonesia's Rainbow Village
Added 1,454 Views / 0 LikesIndonesia has an entire rainbow-colored village nestled in Kampung Pelangi, located in South Semarang.
04:59 Popular
Innocent Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
Added 9,519 Views / 0 LikesThese innocent photos prove that you probably have a dirty mind, shame on you! These things are the perfectly innocent and normal but we know that your mind are in the gutter when you looked at these photos.
03:26 Popular
Insane Vape Tricks
Added 1,099 Views / 0 LikesAustin (vAustinL) is back at it again, shaking up the vape community with some groundbreaking vape tricks. (c) vAUstinL
10:20 Popular
Insanely Brave People Compilation
Added 1,456 Views / 0 LikesCompilation video of people doing insanely crazy stuff.
03:14 Popular
Iranian 3-year old Shows Off Amazing Strength
Added 1,218 Views / 0 LikesA superhuman toddler has shown off his skills on a TV gameshow which saw him use his amazing muscles to tackle strength challenges many adults would fail at. Little Arat Hosseini tackled the trapeze, climbing wall and ladder before lifting his own bodywei
Is that Chewbacca giving birth? see for yourself
Added 1,598 Views / 0 Likeswomen is chewbacca while giving birth
01:15 Popular
Is This The 'Darkest Baby In The World'?
Added 1,226 Views / 0 LikesThe baby, according to a RachFeedreportthat cites a website calledSocial Trends, was allegedly born in South Africa recently. Although, there are no other actual news reports correlating with either the RachFeed or Social Trends' claims (c) Pastimers - Wo
06:51 Popular
Is This The World's Strongest 3 Year Old Ever?
Added 1,543 Views / 0 LikesThere’s a debate that goes on between people, especially parents, about how young is too young to start having a kid train in fitness. Well it looks like this father pushed the debate to a whole new level having his daughter train like a BEAST at on
00:52 Popular
Jarrius Robertson HILARIOUS moments with Warriors player Draymond G.
Added 1,904 Views / 0 LikesJarrius Robertson conversation with warriors player Draymond Green
02:13 Popular
Kid Bodybuilder 'Little Hercules'
Added 1,384 Views / 1 LikesFifteen years ago, rather than real-life Barbies and botched butt jobs, the world was fascinated by an 8-year-old bodybuilder called Little Hercules (real name Richard Sandrak). His extreme physique made him front page news. He went on to be named World&r
01:52 Popular
King Cobra Master
Added 1,509 Views / 0 LikesCheck out the skills of this King Cobra Master! (c) mayalon
01:03 Popular
Komodo Dragon Hunts and Eats Monkey
Added 2,429 Views / 0 LikesKomodo dragon eats a whole monkey.
01:46 Popular
Largest Big Cat In The World
Added 2,456 Views / 1 LikesLiger - is a lion and tiger hybrid and is considered the largest big cat in the world.
01:30 Popular
Lion Kills US Tourist in South African Safari Park
Added 2,307 Views / 0 LikesA US tourist was mauled to death by lion when it pounced through open car window in South African safari park – as tour guide relives moment he suffered heart attack trying to fend off big cat. (c) TomoNews US
01:13 Popular
Lion Opens Car Door at Safari Park
Added 1,229 Views / 0 LikesA family watching lions from the supposed safety of their car at a safari park in South Africa learned you shouldalwayslock your door.
01:11 Popular
Lion Shows Tourists Why You Must Stay Inside Your Car
Added 2,134 Views / 0 LikesTourists hanging out of their car at a lion sighting. This lion felt threatened and barked at the tourists. If he had decided to attack, there wouldn't have been enough time to get in the car and close the window. SANPark's Rules: No part of the body may
04:55 Popular
Living With Crocodile
Added 1,097 Views / 0 LikesIN A small pool of water in an Indonesian back yard, lives Kojek the crocodile. Kojek spends his days in a small channel of water at the back of Irwan’s garden. The family's washing hangs right next to it and Irwan’s three children are free to
05:55 Popular
Lovely Dogs Meet Their Owners After Long Time
Added 1,313 Views / 0 LikesWhen owners and their dogs have not seen each others for a long time, this is the result! Such an emotional and inspiring video about our friendship with dogs! (c) Funny Animals For Kids
01:53 Popular
Magicians Create Guinness Record After 18 Costumes Changes In 1 Minute
Added 1,220 Views / 0 LikesSylvia and Lim created a world Guinness Record for maximum number of outfit changes by a human in less than 60 seconds. A record you didn't know you needed, but apparently you do because it makes you waste less time in the closet.
01:00 Popular
Man Get ls Bitten By Cobras For Three Days
Added 1,457 Views / 0 LikesOne slightly dangerous festival in India you might not want to take part in. (c) Diagonal View
04:42 Popular
Man Gets Pregnant, Delivers A Bouncing Baby Girl After Transition
Added 1,630 Views / 0 LikesAfter nearly a decade of living as a man Kayden Coleman was surprised to learn that he was going to have a baby. (c) nollygrio
10:08 Popular
Man Grills Eggs in Banana Tree
Added 1,829 Views / 0 LikesCambodian man grills eggs using a banana tree. (source) kihala
00:43 Popular
Man Plays "Can't Help Falling In Love" on a Kalimba To His Dog
Added 1,436 Views / 0 LikesThis Guy Plays “Can’t Help Falling In Love” On A Kalimba To His Dog And It’s Too Cute To Handle!
01:29 Popular
Man Tries To Hug A Wild Lion, And What Happens Next Is...
Added 1,068 Views / 0 LikesKevin Richardson is a South African zoologist. He’s been away in the field to meet his friends. Big friends…errrr…big cats, obviously. Lions actually. For that breathtaking video, filmed with a GoPro minicamera, he explains how he buil
00:49 Popular
Massive Newfoundland Thinks He's A Tiny Lap Dog
Added 1,853 Views / 0 LikesThis Newfoundland dog named Boss is such a loving dog! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family but I don't think he realizes how big he actually is. He climbs on top of his owners lap and gives her a big hug. She returns the hug right back
02:25 Popular
Meet Freddy, The Biggest Dog In The World
Added 1,722 Views / 0 LikesTake one look at Freddy the Great Dane and your reaction would have to be bow wow... wow! That's because he's the World's Biggest Dog - who stands at 7ft 6in on his hind legs.
00:58 Popular
Meet The Biggest Cat in The World
Added 1,339 Views / 1 LikesTrumping a recent pretender to the throne by several pounds, 40lb Garfield lays claim to the dubious title of 'world's fattest cat'. (c) Barcroft TV
04:19 Popular
Meet The Giant 10 Month Old Baby
Added 2,205 Views / 0 LikesA baby in India has weighed in at an astonishing two stone 13lb (18.6kg) - the weight of an average six-year-old girl – after pilling on pounds aged just four months with a diet of curry and biscuits. (c) Barcroft TV
03:42 Popular
Meet The Only Man Born With Two Face In The World
Added 3,344 Views / 0 LikesEdward Mordrake had an extra face on the back of his head, which drove him to suicide at the age of 23. The face could neither eat nor speak, but it could laugh, cry and whisper. Edward begged doctors to have his ‘devil twin’ removed, because,
01:04 Popular
Model Goes From Beauty to Beast After Injecting Cooking Oil In Her Face
Added 1,540 Views / 0 LikesA woman obsessed with plastic surgery injected her face with cooking oil after doctors refused to give her any more silicone. The DIY beauty treatment left former Korean model Hang Mioku's face permanently disfigured even after having more 10 surgical ope
01:00 Popular
Monkey Dance - 'I like to move it'
Added 11k Views / 5 LikesOrangutan monkey dances after drinking juice 2064
04:27 Popular
Monkey harasses two tigers
Added 8,807 Views / 1 LikesMonkey harasses and irritates two young tiger 3071
04:47 Popular
Most Bizaare Creatures Found On the Beach
Added 5,786 Views / 0 LikesTop 10 list of the most mysterious & bizarred creatures found washed up on the beach. These sea monsters washed up on a beach are finally explained in this top 10 list. (C) Serious Delivery
06:24 Popular
Most DANGEROUS Roads In The World
Added 1,396 Views / 0 LikesSome of the roads are so dangerous that rental car insurance companies won't cover you for driving on these road. Check them out and stay safe!
09:52 Popular
Most EXPENSIVE Cars In The World
Added 1,459 Views / 0 LikesWe've compiled a list of the 10 most expensive cars available today. (c) Serious Delivery
03:39 Popular
Most Expensive Virginities In The World
Added 3,072 Views / 0 LikesYou’ll be shocked to hear this. But there are many girls who are ready to auction their virginity for money. Virginity is the one skill for which no experience is highly valued. People don’t value themselves, they have started selling their vi
03:28 Popular
Most Extreme Female Bodybuilders
Added 1,592 Views / 0 LikesTaking female bodybuilding to new extremes. For the most part, bodybuilding and fitness is a male dominated world. But that doesn’t mean women aren’t appreciated as well. Yet, despite the fact that there is inclusion, people still can’t
05:54 Popular
Most Inspiring Animal Rescue Compilation
Added 2,160 Views / 0 LikesGod bless these amazing people. We need more people out here like this.
05:32 Popular
Most Shocking Moments Caught on Live TV!
Added 1,518 Views / 1 LikesThe most shocking moments in live television that shook the world
06:25 Popular
Most Unbelievable Gold Diggers Ever
Added 1,449 Views / 0 LikesThey say that money cannot buy happiness, but a couple of millions of dollars doesn’t hurt, especially when it comes to helping you get the things you want in life.
01:14 Popular
MUST WATCH: Effects Of Snake Venom To Blood
Added 1,364 Views / 0 LikesThough most snakes are not venomous, some of them are. This has led some researchers to believe that humans evolved to naturally fear snakes because of their sometimes poisonous bites.
04:43 Popular
Mysterious Creature Caught On Camera
Added 1,581 Views / 0 LikesStrange creature caught on video during Japan tsunami. Watch closely.
03:24 Popular
Mysterious Photos That May Never Be Explained
Added 1,620 Views / 0 LikesThe following 10 photos and videos have experts completely baffled, leaving no definitive explanation in their wake.
00:52 Popular
Natural Spa Hiding In The Italian Countryside
Added 1,265 Views / 0 LikesHere is another for you to visit when you are in Italy.
06:01 Popular
NEVER Google These 10 Things
Added 1,281 Views / 0 LikesFrom psychopath's video diaries to a cat with no face, we count down ten bizarre and creepy things that you should never Google. (c) TheTalko
00:51 Popular
Never Mess With A Kung Fu Girl
Added 1,234 Views / 0 LikesThere is actually some pretty good fight choreography going on here. This one has an abrupt ending. (c) Peter Rozen
00:12 Popular
Nigerian Kids Awesome Funny Dance
Added 4,560 Views / 3 LikesNigerian Kids Awesome Funny Dance 1734
02:41 Popular
Obedient Dobermans Flawlessly Shows Off Amazing Skills
Added 1,149 Views / 0 LikesFour highly intelligent and obedient Dobermans show off everything they have learned. These dogs are truly amazing students!
03:50 Popular
Added 1,693 Views / 0 LikesPoor Shayna went for over a year with this condition before it was properly diagnosed. One doc thought it was reaction to a steroid for an asthma attack. Another thought it was psoriasis.Finally, Shayna was taken to John Hopkins to meet with the Medical M
01:45 Popular
Old Lady Steals A Car
Added 5,038 Views / 0 LikesJoyriding old woman is caught red handed trying to jimmy locks and steal people's cars in the parking lot. The thieving grandma is confronted by surprised prank victims, but right then a police officer shows up and reprimands her. Then, granny seizes the
04:50 Popular
One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In The World
Added 1,704 Views / 0 LikesAlbert Killian, also known as the snake whisperer,shares his small home with 60 of the world's most deadly reptiles.
04:07 Popular
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things
Added 1,394 Views / 0 LikesHere is a compilation video of ordinary people doing awesome stunts!
01:24 Popular
Owner Saves His Dog From A Python
Added 1,414 Views / 0 LikesWhen a python meets a dog, even though the dog is quite large, but it is no match for a python. Just look at it from the video, the dog was tightly wrapped up by the python and did not know how to shake the monster off. Luckily the dog’s owner showe
05:49 Popular
Painful but funny fails
Added 1,601 Views / 0 LikesThese fails are painful but super funny.
04:41 Popular
People Caught Looking Very Jealous
Added 2,570 Views / 0 LikesPictures and photos of people looking jealous.
01:33 Popular
People Living With Tigers And Lions As Pets
Added 1,247 Views / 0 LikesHere is some of the videos that shows you how you dangerous wild animals can be your pets. (c) 10listings
06:58 Popular
People Who Were Addicted To Bodybuilding
Added 2,010 Views / 0 LikesAstonishing video on people who were addicted to bodybuilding…mind boggling…. (c) TheRichest
05:23 Popular
People With Real Creepy Horns
Added 1,303 Views / 0 LikesHere are 8 people with real horns.
02:21 Popular
Performing iPad Magic to Chimpanzees
Added 1,445 Views / 0 LikesWatch how chimpanzees react to iPad magic.
05:17 Popular
Police Officers Who Were Caught Breaking The Law
Added 3,327 Views / 0 LikesHere is a list ofbad cops who were caught breaking the law they serve and protect. (c) TheRichest
05:55 Popular
Poor Dog Rescued After Back Paw Gets Stuck In Escalator
Added 1,398 Views / 0 LikesFORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA — New Year’s Eve was harrowing for one terrier, who almost lost a paw to an escalator at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International airport. WPLG reports that the dog was set to fly back to New York with its humans, and w
04:59 Popular
Poor People of Haiti Literally Eat ‘Mud Cookies’ to Survive
Added 1,386 Views / 0 LikesIn an era where corruption and authoritarianism are rampant, it is often the ordinary people who suffer the most. Millions of people in Haiti are malnourished and cannot afford nutritious food, so many have had to resort to eating cookies made out of dirt
01:41 Popular
Portable Homes You Can Take Anywhere In The World
Added 1,007 Views / 0 LikesAs the line between living and working spaces is getting more blurry and the homes in general become too small, new architectural ideas bloom with creativity. Mobility in general is valued in everything and it can not pass by one place where we spend a lo
02:46 Popular
Pouring Molten Aluminum Into The Ant Hill
Added 1,024 Views / 0 LikesArt is a great way to express yourself. It makes way to vent out all of the feelings which are often times being buried inside a human being. Not all arts are created in a canvass, some needs the help of the nature to have satisfying results at the end.
02:37 Popular
Protecting The World's Deadliest By The Highest Venom Snakes
Added 1,574 Views / 0 LikesIt is so dangerous for that man who catching the cobra snakes by his direct hand like that, it has high venom and seriously dead when it was bites.
01:07 Popular
Puppy Desperately Tries to Reclaim His Beloved Bed From Cat
Added 1,092 Views / 0 LikesA desperate but adorable little French bulldog puppy named Pixel tries every possible trick he knows to reclaim his beloved bed from a stubborn calico cat who has made it abundantly clear that she has no intention whatsoever of moving any time soon. (c) R
00:41 Popular
Quail Chick Wants To Sleep In Human's Hand
Added 1,331 Views / 0 LikesSleepy quail chick knows that's enough studying for tonight.
01:13 Popular
Rare Two-Headed Snake Found In Croatiao
Added 1,695 Views / 0 LikesThe unique looking grass snake was found by retiree Josip Vranic in his garden in Kravarsko, Croatia, a small town just outside Zagreb. (c) Barcroft Animals
00:52 Popular
Referee kicks and punches both fighters
Added 2,217 Views / 0 LikesKarate referee kicks and punches fighters 2303
02:57 Popular
Reminder: Remove Cat Before Flight
Added 1,060 Views / 0 LikesA cat took a free ride on a plane. Imagine the look on the pilot and his passengers faces.
06:33 Popular
Roasting Lizard for Food
Added 1,208 Views / 0 LikesThis video shows a group of Cambodian locals roasting lizards for food. (c) Kihala
01:02 Popular
Russian Artist Creates Insanely Realistic Doll Faces
Added 1,394 Views / 0 LikesA Russian artist has become an internet sensation after posting a video showing how he makes his unbelievably realistic hand-painted dolls. Made from a special type of modelling clay, with glass eyes, French mohair wigs and 13 joints each,Michael Zajkov&l
02:30 Popular
Sal from impractical jokers watches porn in a busy coffee shop....sal's face says it all!!
Added 2,187 Views / 0 LikesSal is the big loser and for his punishment he has to watch porn in a busy coffee shop...with speakers.
01:43 Popular
Scared Dog Rescued From Cowded Street by Determined Cyclist
Added 1,189 Views / 0 LikesThis scared little dog almost got run over by two cars when he ran onto a busy street. He was so scared that he just kept on running, but a cyclist saw he needed help and knew she had to follow him. Special thanks to Calaverita Biker for this incredible v
04:48 Popular
Scariest Sea Monsters Caught While Fishing
Added 2,132 Views / 0 LikesTop 5 Biggest/Weirdest Fish And Creatures Caught In The Ocean (c) Lutch Green's Top 5
02:16 Popular
Sea Lion Drags Girl Into Water
Added 1,585 Views / 0 LikesA sea lion was captured on video dragging a young girl into the water at a wharf in Richmond, B.C. In the video, posted to YouTube by Vancouver’s Michael Fujiwara, the sea lion surfaces near the dock at Steveston Fisherman Wharf, and swims about loo
01:57 Popular
Selling Water Guns In The Hood Prank
Added 2,278 Views / 0 LikesSelling Water Guns In The Hood Prank
00:35 Popular
Seven Person Boat Crash
Added 1,557 Views / 0 LikesAll seven passengers in a speedboat on the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri were injured after their vessel hit a large wake. The camera facing inward from the bow of the boat captures footage of the family jolting with the wake at first, holding on for sta
00:16 Popular
Sheep vs Cow headbutt - see who wins
Added 3,653 Views / 0 LikesSheep vs Cow headbutt 18054
08:15 Popular
SHOCKING: 16 Places You're Not Allowed To Visit
Added 1,453 Views / 0 LikesThese 16 places are highly guarded and mysterious places are not easy to get to and visit.
02:17 Popular
SHOCKING: Animals Gone Wild
Added 3,913 Views / 0 LikesAnimals take revenge on humans. This is why you shouldn't pet the wildlife.
01:41 Popular
SHOCKING: Can a Piranha Bite Through Steel?
Added 1,138 Views / 0 LikesWhile fishing the Amazon - Jeremy takes the opportunity to put a piranha's jaws to the test while fishing the Amazon. (C) River Monsters
01:07 Popular
SHOCKING: Train Pulverizes Truck At A Railroad Crossing
Added 2,868 Views / 0 LikesSpeeding train smashes into a stopped truck at a railroad crossing 1516
07:05 Popular
Shooting gone wrong-Must Watch!!
Added 2,175 Views / 0 LikesTry not to laugh at these "shooting Accidents"
00:25 Popular
Simple trick to bring your car out of mud
Added 10.5k Views / 0 LikesSimple and works great