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401 02:23 Popular
Meet India's Amazing Stunt Couple - Or Just Crazy Couple?
Barmy Bhramaramba lets her husband Balashankar Budati smash and slice coconuts, tiles, tube lights and blocks of ice across her body.
402 01:11 Popular
Weird Exercises People Didnt Think Would Work But Effective
Work your booty from all angles and make it pop with these exercises. An intense workout that will bring your muscles to full fatigue while keeping your heart rate up! (c) COMO TREINAR
403 04:29 Popular
Friendly Puppies And Babies Playing Together
Two of the cutest things in the world are puppies and babies. Here are them playing together in all their adorableness!
404 00:59 Popular
A new Relation VS a Long Term Relation
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406 01:01 Popular
Funny prank : Pretty and old girl surprising swtich
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410 01:48 Popular
The Hilarious Where can i buy a bra prank?
Girl asks strangers where she could buy a bra while half naked...Must see!!
413 00:46 Popular
Helpful German Shepherd Helps Carry Kitten Upstairs
A friendly German Shepherd carried a small kitten up the steps after the cat struggled to get up.
414 00:24 Popular
WOW!! Man Catches A Giant Spider
Man tries to catch a massive spider. Will he succeed?
415 01:15 Popular
Snake Bite, Leading To Amputation
A horrific snake bite caused a young girl's leg to shrivel and turn completely black after venom caused severe necrosis – the premature death of cells. (c) TomoNews US
417 03:27 Popular
Top 10 Dog Breeds From Asia
Unique and beautiful, it's easy to see why these Asian dog breeds are a treasure. (c) ViralBe
419 00:52 Popular
Jarrius Robertson HILARIOUS moments with Warriors player Draymond G.
Jarrius Robertson conversation with warriors player Draymond Green
424 01:08 Popular
Very Smart Dogs Wait For Their Names To Be Called
Very Smart Dogs Wait For Their Names To Be Called
428 00:11 Popular
When you girl wants to have a baby
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429 01:01 Popular
Amazing pretty girl caught by her boyfriend dancing
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434 00:28 Popular
Paradisic place where you should spend the summer
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435 00:27 Popular
When High Maintenance Girls Get Ready
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437 06:03 Popular
10 Oddest Couples You Won't Believe Exist
We all like to judge relationships. Age, height, hotness, almost every parameter has the potential to make a couple gossip-worthy. Can you believe the following 10 odd couples are real? We sure did not when we first laid our eyes on them.
438 03:30 Popular
Amazing Alligator Attempting To Eat A Turtle
Turtle power: Reptile shell withstands attack as alligator fails to crack its shell. (c) Tim Harrell
439 01:36 Popular
600 Pound Woman Gives Birth To 40 Pound Baby
600 Pound Woman Gives Birth To 40 Pound Baby A 600-pound lady has given delivery to a 40-pound baby at Perth’s King Edward Memorial Hospital, an evidence breaking weight that could perhaps compose the newborn the biggest baby ever born, reports the
440 00:35 Popular
When you can't fall asleep and your girl solves the problem
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442 01:24 Popular
Huge condor bird returns to say ‘THANK YOU’ to the farmer who SAVED its life as a Baby
This man rescued a condor bird that had fallen from the nest when he was just a hatchling. Now, every now and then, the colossal bird returns to see the man and give him a really big hug! What a majestic animal!
444 05:41 Popular
Funniest prank on delivery guys
Pizza delivery guys are pranked in this hilarious video AtmosFX Digital Decorations for a fun, easy way to create thrilling, entertaining experiences for any holiday, party or special event.
445 00:33 Popular
Beautiful latina dancing by two pretty girls
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446 00:49 Popular
Massive Newfoundland Thinks He's A Tiny Lap Dog
This Newfoundland dog named Boss is such a loving dog! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family but I don't think he realizes how big he actually is. He climbs on top of his owners lap and gives her a big hug. She returns the hug right back
449 02:26 Popular
A Saber-toothed Cat Puppet Struts Across Wilshire to the La Brea Tar Pits
Pedestrians and office workers in Miracle Mile thought they saw a prehistoric cat walking along Wilshire Boulevard last week. They were mostly right. The slinky, smilodon fatalis puppet, formerly a fixture at the Natural History Museum, was making its way
451 01:00 Popular
Pranks War between a Cute Couple
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452 04:47 Popular
VIDEO: 10 Men You Wont Believe Are Real
Some people on earth are different from us, perhaps being different makes them normal. We have created a list of 10 incredible men with unbelievable physical characteristics. Some are popular for their strength, some for weakness and some for their choice
455 00:09 Popular
Stupid pretty girl fallling in the pool
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456 04:54 Popular
Bodybuilders That Took Bodybuilding To The EXTREME
Іt іs gооd tо tаkе уоur саrееr sеrіоuslу, but whаt іf thіs zеаl mаkеs уоu sо mаd thаt уоu lооk dіffеrеnt frоm nоrmаl реорlе? Here аrе fеw реорlе whо tооk bоdуbuіldіng tо аn ехtrеmе. (c) Worlds Biggest
458 00:09 Popular
Amazing girl playing football
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459 00:11 Popular
When you walk with your girl and someone slaps her
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462 10:08 Popular
Man Grills Eggs in Banana Tree
Cambodian man grills eggs using a banana tree. (source) kihala
464 01:12 Popular
Heartbreaking Video: Elephant Asks For Help After Being Shot
The animal, named Pretty Boy, was shot close to Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe. Had the bullet hit him 5cm lower, he would have been killed, experts have revealed. It is thought he was shot three to six weeks before he was seen by vets. DrLisa Marab
465 01:00 Popular
Crazy Man Pranking his Wife with Viagra
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466 01:01 Popular
Nice Way To have a Unique Tatoo
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470 05:30 Popular
This Man Is Insane! One of the best pranks of all time
This Man Is Insane! One of the best pranks of all time
472 05:41 Popular
Epic Zoo Fails
There's a reason why wild animals are enclosed at zoos, but some people choose to test the theory themselves. (c) Wacky Universe
473 06:06 Popular
To bodybuilders, being strong and havingan impressive physique are some of the most important qualities in the world. This means that some body builders will resort to extreme measures to achieve these things no matter the cost.
475 00:16 Popular
Cake obsessed dog's funny reaction
A dog's funny reaction to someone touching his cake
476 00:54 Popular
FUNNY: Little Monkey VS Angry Dog
A tiny monkey sends a Chihuahua barking mad after pulling out its whiskers.
479 01:46 Popular
Honey Collector Uses Bare Hands To Put Thousands Of Bees Down His Shirt
If you suffer from melissophobia, or the fear of bees, this video is definitely not for you. It shows professional honey collector Suk Mahammad Dalal tapping a massive nest of bees without any protective gear. Incredibly, he then stuffs handfuls of the in
481 00:33 Popular
When You watch a Thriller With your Girlrfiend
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488 01:49 Popular
World's Biggest Rabbit
At 4ft 4in (1.3m) and 22.2kg, Darius is currently the biggest rabbit in the world, but he may not hold that title for much longer, because there’s a new pretender – his son. Jeff is 3ft 8in (1.1m) and has about 6 months of growing left, so his
490 01:07 Popular
Babies Cuddling With Dogs
Even though this Pit Bull isn't the mom to 1-year-old baby Cruise, she sure acts like it, caressing the baby as the two nap together at home. Cruise's dad, Jarad, who breeds American Bully dogs, a type of Pit Bull believes that his two sons are safe aroun
496 00:24 Popular
Pretty Girls Doing Amazing Yoga Mooves
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497 05:19 Popular
Funny Cats Saying NO NO NO!!!
Wow! It actually tried to say NO MORE ????Please like and share our videos. Subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos and photos and to get regular updates.Follow us on:https://www.facebook.com/awrambahttp://video.awramba.com/